Saturday, September 24, 2011

Nail Fail!

Hi girls,

the polish I have to show you today is Essie Turquoise & Caicos that I got from a swap with Ju. It was one of my lemmings and my first turquoise polish ever! So pretty but a pain in the "S" to apply! I had to apply 3 coats to get an even finish and after Seche Vite, this is what happened: BUBBLES!!!! My index finger was the worst of them all. Just take a closer look at it!

I wasn't going to remove it cuz I loved the color too much for that, so I added some dots to hide the bubbles. But man! What a hard time I had to get those dots right! Some of my dots are not perfect round dots... I know I'm a whiner! From a distance, no one even notices it. But as a perfectionist (one of my weaknesses ;-) ) I tend to see stuff that's probably not there! LOL! 

And guess what?! Only after I edited this picture I noticed I skipped a dot! LOL! 


  1. Very pretty color but sucks about the bubbles.I really like the design with the colorful dots!

  2. I'm totally not a perfectionist. I do hate it when my polish bubbles though! Fantastic way to hide them . I love it!

  3. LOVE the dotting....might do a version of this


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